So, the latest crazy news is that I've had not one, but two people whom I respect and admire call me "inspiring" recently, while a third one wrote "we bow to their buffness" referring to Alan and me completing the MDI Half Marathon. Seriously? Are you sure you mean me?!? 'Cause I certainly didn't start out trying to inspire anyone (other than myself) and I know I don't qualify as "buff"! It's a neat feeling, though, and it gives me hope that we might have some positive effect on our kids.
Even more surprising is that all this comes afer a 3 week hiatus from blogging. I may have lost momentum online, but I have been keeping more or less on top of the physical stuff so far. For example, while I haven't exactly done 30 crunches every day, I have done the equivalent of 30 crunches every day. I haven't run as often as I planned to in January, but then again, it's January (you know, that month right after Christmas that starts off with sleep deprivation and a sinus infection followed closely by three family birthdays?). I should have known I wouldn't have much energy and it's OK because I am getting going now, and my training plan for the Half doesn't actually begin until February. I'm even adding in fitness sessions on the Wii and Madeline and I have a weekly gym date. I'm keeping my food diary (subtitled "the Good, the Bad and the Ugly"), although my nutritional intake is still pretty deplorable. That's ok too, though, because the point is simply to pay more attention at this point; I can add loftier goals later.
Since long before my dreams of fitness kicked in, the New Year has always brought dreams of organization. I think running has finally taught me how to set goals and actually meet them and I'm applying this to other areas of my life as well. For the first time I can remember, I was actually ready for a birthday party 10 minutes before the starting time: Jeremy's cake (complete with sugar-cube-igloo and cavorting penguins) was fully decorated and on display, the favor bags were assembled, the craft materials were ready and waiting, and I even had my make-up on!
I recently bought a book called One Year to An Organized Life. I haven't totally bought into the dream boards and journaling aspects yet (it gets really involved with self-analysis, psychotherapy, and affirmations) but I used some of her more basic advice to conquer our upstairs bathroom. With the imminent arrival of our new washer and dryer (coming Wednesday! Becoming Alan gets all the water, electrical and venting hooked up) I really had to clean out and completely reorganize all our storage in there. It is sooooo much better now! I'll post after pictures once the appliances are in (no, I wasn't tasteless enough to take before pictures. Gross.).
Since I have no words of wisdom of my own, I'll stick with the motto used by the Campaign for Mount Holyoke:
It only works, though, if you realize that even (or especially) the little things are the truly "great" ones.
Oh, and if you want REAL inspiration, Read Emilie's latest posts here, here, and here about her totally awesome, brave, funny mom.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
You and your husband ARE inspiring. Sometimes I think we all think we have to be moving mountains or amassing gold medals to be "inspiring" to someone. This is so untrue. And I wanted to follow up on your comment on my post this morning since I'm not sure you will see my response. Yes, Wendy is amazing – that is true. But guess what else? It is empowering for the friend to feel needed also. They become part of your journey, not just watching from the sidelines. While it may feel to you like you are "bothering" them, they most likely would be honored that you asked.