This is not by any means an exhaustive list of all my hopes and ambitions for my life this year, but here are the (fitness-related) things I'm really going to strive for and how I intend to achieve them. After all, it worked last year to say them out loud, so why not do that again?
What I want to Do:
Run 500 miles (or more) in 2011;
Better my times for races I did in 2010;
Complete approximately 10 road races, including 2 Half Marathons (Big Lake and MDI--full list coming soon to the bloggy side-bar);
Stay as healthy and injury-free as possible;
Be more mindful about what I eat (and perhaps make some better choices?);
Wind up with some running pictures of myself that I actually like.
How I'll do It:
Follow my training plan for the year (based on Hal Higdon again) which has me running 3 times/week;
Include more cross-training (I need to get a little more specific about this, but I'm pretty sure I'll be ordering the Wii-fit soon...);
Do 30 crunches/day;
Take my vitamins;
Keep a food diary [oh's already not pretty, but at least I'm thinking about what I eat...!];
Find and purchase a pair of running shorts that actually fit (and maybe a running skirt?);
Get pix at every race;
Enlist the aid of family and friends again for advice, accountability, motivation and race-day support*.
Wow. That sounds like a lot, but as Madeline says, "I can DO this!"
Um...I think.
*This last item "race-day support" is HUGE for me so it deserves additional explanation. Alan takes no notice of the sidelines, blissfully--and intentionally--lost in whatever's emitting from his earbuds. I however, have discovered that I am a glutton for external motivation. Several times throughout the year I thought I would eat my motto's words "Smile and Move" but no matter how lousy I feel, I almost always smile at people when I run. And if I'm in a race and those people are clapping, hooting, hollering my name, waving signs, ringing cowbells, or otherwise cheering me on, then I can't help but smile! So I hereby promise my undying gratitude to anyone willing to show up and help me smile. In fact, I will happily pay baked-good-bribes to race-day support crews! Seriously. My chocolate bread is delicious. And by the way, as the Fey family knows (I so totally owe you guys like 3 loaves of bread...), and as we know from our day at the Vermont City Marathon, being the cheering section can be lots of fun, very inspiring, and the highlight of any vacation.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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