Friday was the last of five days of singing and fun with 35 kids at our beloved St. Johns.
All had been going well...when suddenly: SLAM! a door was accidentally closed on Jeremy's fingers!
"OPEN THE DOOR!!!" Jeremy yelled.
[more happened at church: the door was opened, the room was cleared of extraneous children, Dr. Creaser made a makeshift splint, freezer pops were applied and a very nice camp mom, Michaelene, sat with Jeremy and kept him company until I arrived....but Jeremy doesn't think that part is interesting.]
Flash forward to McDonald's where we got a snack and a nice lady gave Jeremy an "ice glove" to replace the now-melted freezer pops [not THAT's interesting...!].
Then we went to Dr. Martin's office, where Jo-Jo the Monkey sits, and Jeremy was told he needed X-Rays. [Cool!]
The X-Ray technician was very nice and Jo-Jo got some X-Rays too [but didn't actually make it into the shot].
[Mom got to watch from the tech room which was really neat.]
Here are the actual images on the computer screen:
Verdict from the Doctor? No Fractures. Hooray!!!
And Jeremy made it back to "full contact choir camp" just in time to robe up and sing the Evensong.
At the reception, Jeremy got hit by a flying grape and bonked his head on a railing. Ouch!
Later on, we all went to Denny's and had a very nice dinner, after which Jeremy fell down in the parking lot and added a scraped elbow, another bonked head, and butt pains to the injury list.
We all agreed that he won the contest for most hurt that day.