Alan and I are officially registered (along with a whopping 16 other people, currently ensuring that I would place in my age group) to run 13.1 miles along the scenic shores of Lake Winnipesaukee on May 7, 2011.
This time we're planning a weekend getaway. Sans Shingles (please dear Lord) and sans children.
It was really wonderful to have all our family out there supporting us at our first half (and we're counting on them again for next September), but for round 2 we thought we'd be a little selfish. Spectators are welcome (Helen and Rich??) but we just don't want to have to worry about/deal with the little darlings. A good night's sleep prior to the race is on my list of "things to do differently next time" and that would be unlikely with all five of us keyed up and packed into a hotel room [interesting factoid: I've recently encountered online room reservation systems that can't handle 2 adults and 3 children in one room. Go figure.].
Anyway, the room-for-two and childcare plans are as yet undefined, but my training plan is taking shape which is good news since I desperately need motivation these days. The change of seasons and schedules has thrown me off lately (plus I've been super busy).
Short-term, I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and the Turkey Trek. By February, I'll be following Hal's half training plan again with some modifications. In the middle, I'll be trying to survive winter and the holidays. That part of my training calendar is a little fuzzy just now, but I'm going to pull it into focus soon.
Meanwhile, the new count-down has begun.
Only 180 days to go!
[Lest you think I'm overly obsessive, my countdown calendar says "26 weeks". I won't switch to days until the end of January when we hit 99. See? I'm totally reasonable. Not crazy at all.]
Uh oh...it's up to 28 registrants with 4 in my age-group. My hopes are dashed!