Along with a few thousand other people.
We arrived at Freedom Park, in the center of the LL Bean smoke-free campus to discover that people had been staking out places to sit since Wednesday. We happened to arrive just after a set of bleachers had been opened up right next to the park, so we left a couple tee-shirts and wound up with a great view.
Chairs were neatly arranged and left for days with no fear that any would be stolen or moved.
Because this was BLUES TRAVELLER, a giant video screen, chairs and additional bleachers were also set up in the parking lot just behind the park.
Check out the imaginative housing for the video projector (it's a dog crate). A fellow MacGyver in our midst.
Here's what it looked like around 6pm as many people were coming to claim their seats or look for places to stand.
Bean's even decorated the trees and provided a lovely sunset.
The opening act was really good, and the headliners were fantastic. They gave a real show, too, not a take-what-you-get-it's-free show. Here's the big guy blowing away on that harmonica. He threw at least four of them into the crowd by the end of the night.
And here's what it looked like less than 24 hours later from the retail store looking across toward where we sat.
Concert? What concert?
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