Friday night we wanted to go see the Celtic group at the Folk Festival (saw them today--they were awesome), but Alan started the car and pushed the button to put the window down. This was followed by a series of disturbing noises, some from inside the door (clunks and whirrs), some from the window itself (a sort of banging and grinding) and some from Alan and then me ("What the...?!?!). The power window has always sounded a little odd, but now it is completely off its track--it will neither open all the way, nor close all the way--and we think that part of the mechanism is seriously bent.
How do we know it's bent? Because we disected the entire door, of course. Well, Alan did. While I pranced around wincing and saying helpful things like "Don't break that thing!" and "Are you sure that's supposed to come off?". We then peered at the window guts with a flashlight and came to the dramatic conclusion that It doesn't work. And we can't make it work. And we're going to have to pay someone else to make it work. At our financially worst time of the year (Alan didn't teach in August so the paycheck nazi will be shouting "No check for you!" on Tuesday).
But we HAD to leave the driveway 'cause we had a sitter, dang it!
Plus, we had a date with a road race the next morning, so we had to button things up somehow.
After some contemplation I went into the house and procured a roll of clear packing tape and some saran wrap. And doggone it, we did pretty well. You can hear the wind rushing by the door and Alan elected to put tape over the window controls so he wouldn't forget and try to close it by mistake, but otherwise it has held extremely well all weekend.
Drive-throughs, ATMs, giving directions, and paying for parking at the Folk Festival are all a little tricky though.
And where did we go when we were done? Denny's and then WalMart. About as anti-Folk Festival as you can get. I know, we're pathetic!
On Alan's to-do list tomorrow: check on our warranty, hope it doesn't rain soon, and maybe pick up an extra roll of packing tape, 'cause for some reason we're almost out....
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago