Soon after the Fourth there was a sunny day (aaaaaah!) and I said "Let's go to the bog!"
But first we needed special snacks, so we made "Bugs & Bark", a delightfully melty conglomeration of almonds, dried cherries, and three kinds of chocolate. Mmmmmm...
Then we took pictures of the snack, made some sandwiches, filled our water bottles, made sure everyone had used the potty, loaded the car, made a couple stops at random stores in Bangor, arrived at the bog, discovered we forgot to make a PB & J for Jeremy (sorry, bud, but you shouldn't have changed your mind about helping) and ate our lunches at the picnic table.
It only took us about 3 1/2 hours to get here:
But we enjoyed the perfect weather and lush foliage.

Here's the obligatory kids-on-the-big-rock photo:
And here's the back view to show off our homemade bandana bags in patriotic colors: